Monday 3 November 2014

Mobile Bay

Monday, November 3, 2014

Well, that was exciting!  Right through the very industrial end of the river system and into the Gulf of Mexico!  Our first salt water. Within minutes we were greeted by both a freighter to share the narrow channel with and two dolphins, jumping their welcome in tandem.  Pretty cool!

We found the marina we had booked, got some fuel and tied up for the night on the "buy fuel get a free night" deal.  The evening was spent visiting with fellow loopers Mary and Roger from the boat Ta Ta.

This morning we moved next door to another marina which has a good deal on a weekly rate and Lo and Behold!  There we found our friends Jim and Mimi from the boat Perfect Balance. We travelled with them way back on Lake Bichigan and it's great to finally catch up again - both literally and figuratively. We'll stay here for the week, working on a few boat repairs, hanging out and taking a short road trip to New Orleans (Nawlins) tomorrow, which is only a couple hours away by car.

This place has a definite "southern" feel.  The laundry room is outside under a covered area and you can smell salt in the air while you get your wash done. There are pelicans everywhere (I think they look like pterodactyls) and we are entertained by watching their antics as they dive for dinner.  There's a palm tree I can see while sitting on the boat deck and we're in t-shirts and shorts with the fan on.  We're LOVING this.

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