Sunday 22 February 2015

Snow Birds

February 20, 2014

This is how we think of our trip:  Phase one, getting here.  Phase two, snowbirds.  Phase three, getting home.

We are now well established into the "snowbird" portion of our trip -- no traveling, just hanging out in Florida for the winter.  As there really isn't too much to say about being a snowbird the blog has been a little sparse lately. Don't get me wrong, it's been great.  Relaxing. Easy.

A typical day looks like this: I smell coffee (Jeff makes it in an attempt to rouse me).  We drink coffee and read the news.  We discuss the news.  We maybe have something to eat or put that off and get about the business of the day, which might include a bike ride, golf or a beach visit.  Sometimes we do some boat work or regular chores, like laundry, shopping, etc.  Then, oh, look at that, lunch time! Afterwards I might curl up with a book or jog on the beach while Jeff putters.  Jeff's a great putterer. What!?  Docktail hour already?  Around 5:00 we meet with other boaters for some socializing.  Then comes dinner.  Next comes an evening of cards, TV, watching the stars from the flybridge or heading into town to check out the action.

It's been great but we're excited to start moving again.

I brought the car home last week and had a great but short visit with friends/family.  Jeff stayed here to watch the boat.  Next week, King Neptune willing, we'll head South towards the keys and spend about a month exploring.  Then we'll start inching our way North, along the intracoastal waterway, towards home.

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