Sunday 12 January 2020

Fort Myers 2019/20

Getting Work Done

Brian.  Our miracle genious.
mechanic.  He just turned 20.
and runs his own business.
Our goal at Fort Myers, other than enjoying the weather and time with friends, was to get some upgrades done on Gran Vida.  We have a great mechanic that we've gotten to know and trust in Fort Myers.  Brian, just turned twenty while he was working on our boat.  He's the youngest of a long line of diesel mechanics and at fifteen could take a diesel engine apart and put it back together blindfolded with one hand tied behind his back.  In my opinion, he a bit of a rare genius.  You can mention any engine and he can rattle off the specifics, issues, idiosyncrasies  ...and all with the most charming Alabama accent ever.  I love it when I start talking to him and he smiles and drawls,  "I just love y'all's accent."  MY accent!?!

Our canvas folks were recommended by boat neighbours.  It took a bit of fiddling, but they got the job done on time and at about two-thirds the price we were quoted in Canada.  Although, if you count all the beer Jeff fed them while they were on our boat, our savings were probably less.

 Here's the list:

-  New canvas enclosure for the flybridge
-  Engine upgrades including new raw water pump, fuel injector lines, flush the heat exchanger, new lines and hoses, clamps and throw on some paint........
- install new anchor chain and rode,
-  Two new batteries
-  Dinghy repair

Here's Gran Vida tucked in between two larger looper boats.
Thanks for the shade, Valentine!

Brand spanking new fuel injector lines had to be made. 
They don't look as pricey as they were.

Pearl the Perkins looks sooo perty after her make-over

Jeff worked away and got our dinghy leak repaired.
It's keeps the water on the outside now very nicely.

Lots of fun too

New Year's Eve downtown Fort Myers.  Note the hoodies.  Much colder than last year.

John (S/V Last Mango) got out his notorious blender.
This is a blender powered by a two stroke engine that starts with a pull rope.
It sounds like a chain saw!
Way back in our trip, in 2014, we had lots of Margarita dock parties with that blender.
So it feels a little full circle that out it comes again, in 2020, during the last year of our loop.

Seafood Festival

We were treated to a Fleetwood Mac tribute band (one of Jeff's favs)
Jeff and Karen (S/V Last Mango)
Another cold front during the monthly marina
barbecue cut the crowd size down.
Out for my morning walk and came across this...
Yes.  A man walking his goats in the park.
You see it all!

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