Sunday 19 October 2014

Pickwick Lake, Alabama

Sunday, October 19, 2014

MM 150, anchored behind Double Island to MM 207, Pickwick Lake, anchored just on the top side of Pickwick Lock.  57 Miles.  8:15 - 6:30

If you read yesterday's blog entry, we can almost say "Ditto".  Pretty much the same.  We waited for the misty fog to lift and weighed anchor, headed upstream.  It was a lovely, sunny day with the high about 70 degrees.  We took turns on the helm.  I'm absorbed in a good book and on my time off I curled up on the couch for a good read, Jeff watched a bit of football on T.V. on his break.

Misty morning.

Jeff is always trying to catch the "perfect" bird picture.  Sure enough, as we were leaving the anchorage this morning, a bald eagle swooped by RIGHT over the boat.  The perfect photo op!  And where was the camera??  Downstairs.  UGH!  This shot is a consolation prize.

We fought current all day and by the time we pulled up to the lock, which was our destination for the day, they were letting water out and the current was crazy!  While waiting for the lock if we put it in neutral the boat would quickly start to turn around and/or travel backwards.

We were lucky with our timing of the lock.  Just as we were getting close we heard some chatter on the VHF that four boats were waiting to lock through.  It was going to be about 45 minutes until they could get into the lock and coincidently, about 40 minutes before we would be there to join them.  Perfect!  We pulled up just as they were entering and we were able to drive right in and lock through.

After the lock we just pulled over off the channel and dropped the hook for the night just as the sun was setting.  Tomorrow we will finish the last ten miles or so of the Tennessee River before we hang a right onto the Tenn-Tom canal. This is a canal that connects the Tennessee and Tombigbee Rivers. The plan is to dock at a marina for the night and meet up with some other Loopers.  Then it's off to explore the Tenn-Tom and some of it's anchorages.  

We may not be able to post every day as some of the spots are quite remote and we won't always be able to connect to the internet... so don't worry.  We'll catch up when we can.
                                          We are seeing many more houses along the shore.  
                                   It's strange to see trees growing out of the water.
                                                       A Tennessee "raised bungalow"

                                                                       Our backyard for the night.

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