Friday, 14 December 2018

A Little Close for Comfort

We were walking the dock here at the marina one day just checking out the boats when we saw, right in the marina, a great big wonkin' gater.  He (or she) was just hanging out, eyeing us with steely eyes, right beside the very low dinghy dock.  It certainly didn't look too shy.  What a surprise that would have been for a dinghy pulling into the dock.  It must have been about ten feet long!

Wow!  Alligators are common on the rivers and they are usually shy and stick to themselves.  We see them sunning on the banks or floating in the river, but we've NEVER seen one in a marina before.  We wondered if someone was feeding it. (later, someone told me that a couple of dufusses were feeding it cheesies).

Later, while doing laundry, I noticed some action going on over by the local floating hair salon.
The salon is in a houseboat right here in the marina. The women were coming out the back door, with hair in various stages of "doing", snapping pics of a smaller gater, just floating there beside a piling, not five feet from the salon door.

So that is two of them.

The alligator catcher was called, a trap was set, but as of yet nothing has been caught.  Which is good news for the gators, as they would probably be destroyed being now comfortable around humans.

I'm hoping they got smart and went back out into the river where they belong.

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