Tuesday, 25 December 2018

With Friends Like This....

Jeff's sore sternum is healing up nicely but as expected it's taking some time.  We've set aside six weeks for convalescence and we have two more weeks to go before, if all goes according to plan, we shove off from the dock.  We suspect that he has damaged his sternum somehow, but he never did get it X-rayed, arguing, vehemently sometimes, and against all logical advice, that there was nothing they could do but recommend rest.

Friendly Tip:  don't bother arguing with a Canadian of Scottish descent.  Holy hard-headed!

The heinous faucet that Jeff landed on, square on the chest.

It was very painful at first, especially when he coughed, and we were all concerned.  But four week in Jeff is getting up and about a bit more and getting some projects done on the boat.

With all the sensitive, caring friends around here, they somehow never seem to tire of gleefully reminding him to be careful!  Note the pics below:

Friendly reminder
Joining friends for a bloody mary fest on their flybridge.....

They had ALL the faucets on the dock covered with chairs...  just in case Jeff tripped again.  Jeez.

Some mysterious prankster covered the faucet outside our boat with an old life jacket
Nice that he's well enough that it doesn't hurt tooo much to laugh.

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