Sunday 18 January 2015

Birthday Kayak

We used to have kayaks on the boat and they were great!  But one of the challenges of spending a year living on a small trawler is fitting everything you want onto it.  While packing, I had my clothes all chosen and packed only to realize once I got them on the boat that there was NO way they would all fit.  I scaled down, and to be honest, I could have scaled down even more.  For the most part, so far, I mostly need just two pairs of shorts, a bunch of t-shirts and some flip flops.  Down the rivers, of course, required a bit more to keep warm but it's surprising how little is needed and how refreshing it is, after being a career woman with the required wardrobe. to just simplify.

The other sacrifice that we had to make was the kayaks.  There just wasn't enough room for bikes, dingy, golf clubs, furniture, paints, guitar, kayaks, and still be able to move around the boat safely. Something had to go and the poor kayaks were it.  Jeff hasn't missed them too much but I often have.

So, after much deliberation, reading consumer reports and reviews, I decided to take the plunge (hopefully not literally).  Happy birthday to me!  I chose an inexpensive, inflatable kayak from West Marine.  Unlike our old kayaks, it really doesn't track well at all and it is very sluggish in the water. BUT, it fits on the boat, pumps up in five minutes, I can carry it easily and suits my needs for putzing around a quiet anchorage just fine.

On my birthday morning, Jeff woke me up with coffee and a plan:  We were going to Manatee Park in Fort Myers with Joe and Connie from the boat Chesapeake to test out my new birthday kayak.  It was a cold day which usually guarantees lots of manatees will be in the park as they are attracted to the warm water discharged by the neighbouring power plant.  We quickly pumped up my kayak, Connie rented one from the park (the guys decided to watch - chickens!) and off Connie and I went.

We were travelling with the current and wind so we basically just sat there and drifted down the river a bit.

 We could see and hear manatees coming up for a breath here and there and it was awesome.  Then suddenly one came up RIGHT beside me, then another one, then another.  I was right in the middle of a group of them (herd??) and the big, lumbering beasts were all around me.  They would come right up to the kayak to check me out, nostrils flaring, lips quivering, and with my kayak's soft bottom I could even feel as they went right under me and rubbed up against my bottom! Goosed by a manatee!!!  I was a little "surprised" by all this sudden attention.  Connie could barely manage to stay upright in her kayak she was laughing so hard, saying she'd give anything for a picture of my face as all this was going on.  That is until they started heading towards her!

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