Saturday 10 January 2015

Manatee Park

It's been "cold" the past few days (sorry Northern friends, relatively speaking, I mean).  This morning, as soon as I woke up, Jeff announced the plan for the day.  He'd been thinking -- oh oh, that's not always a good thing.  But this time it was.  The plan for today was we were going to Manatee Park first, then out for breakfast with Jim and Mimi from Perfect Balance, who were here in Fort Myers for a couple of days.

Great plan! When it's been cold the manatees flock to Manatee Park, which is right beside a power plant.  The power plant releases warm water into the river which attracts the manatees.  And those cute not-so-little sea cows were there in abundance!  They mostly stay underwater but we had so much fun watching them slug along and trying to catch a picture of the allusive beasts.

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