Wednesday 26 November 2014

Back to my floating home.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

With grandbabies all cuddled, read to and played with, I set my sights South.  It was time for a misty-eyed Nana to pry herself away (NOT easily) and get herself back to the boat.

Did you know that the day before the American Thanksgiving is the busiest travel day of the year in the States?  Me neither.  I do now!  I had watched the weather carefully and planned my drive back to the boat in the hopes of avoiding any nasties.  Somehow that "American Thanksgiving" dot remained unconnected (Canadian Thanksgiving is in October, I just didn't think of it).  That made for a much slower drive than I had hoped for.  Holy traffic jams!  Brucie, my trusty old Prius (Jeff named him Bruce, ask him) valiantly carried us and despite the occasional traffic jam, all went well.  In two days Brucie and I covered the territory it took us three months to cover in Gran Vida.  It was interesting to see all the place names and look down on familiar rivers from an interstate highway bridge as I made my way South.  I love a good road trip.

As for Jeff's activities while I was away, among long bike rides, puttering and keeping in the Looper loop.....  He's gone to the birds:

Soo friendly....

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