Thursday 26 March 2015

Cape Canaveral - The Launch

The day of the Launch at Cape Canaveral had arrived.  We were really looking forward to watching our first rocket launch.  The plan was, we were going to move the boat to a marina close to the launch area.  Jim and Mimi were going to follow suite after some shopping.  Then Dave & Michelle (Just Us) and Derek and Kristen, friends from Orillia, were going to meet us at the marina and we were all going to go out on Gran Vida to watch the launch.  Great!

Off we went, through the early morning fog, to get ourselves settled.  After checking in to the marina, we all piled onto Gran Vida, drove out and stopped the boat as close to the restricted area as possible. It was around 2:25, plenty of time to drop the anchor, get seated and see the 2:36 launch.  Some went up to the bow, others found a spot on the flybridge.  Mimi and I went down for a quick washroom visit.  After gabbing downstairs for a just a very few minutes we headed upstairs to find our spot to watch, excited to see the launch.  Um, what was that big white, smoky streak in the sky?  OH NO!!!  After looking forward to the launch for days Mimi and I actually missed it!!  Unbelievable!

Nevertheless, it was a great day. Back at the marina we enjoyed snacks and ribs that Jeff had thrown on the Q.  Later we went out for a late dinner in the local restaurant.  Just another Gran Vida day.  

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