Tuesday 17 March 2015

Key Largo

Tonight we decided to take a slip.  We read about a place that had a pool and hot tub and a great discount for BoatUS members.  We decided to indulge.


Gran Vida was safely tied up to her slip around 1:00 p.m. today and  we spent the afternoon doing laundry and swimming in the pool while listening to some awesome blues wafting across from Gilbert's Tiki Bar across "the creek".  It looked so inviting that we dried off, put the dinghy down and went over, only to find that the bands had finished for the afternoon and it was almost deserted.  Oh well.  Back to the pool!

We had a great night, swimming in the pool and hanging out around the hottub meeting folks from Toronto.  That's the thing about this trip, we meet so many interesting people all the time. Later, Jeff decided it was a good idea to put on a synchronized swimming performance for me.  Very talented guy, that Jeffy.

In the morning, first thing, I swam some lengths (one of my FAVOURITE ways to start the day) and later, as we were puttering, several manatees decided to visit.  WOW, you know you are moving sloooowly when barnacles are growing on you!  What a delight to spend some time with these gentle giants.  There was a whole group of them, including the CUTEST baby manatee.  So delightful!

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